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  1. معادل (ترجمه) فارسی «Analyze»: حَلِّدَن ([؟] تحلیل کردن):
    🏺مثال. The scientists will analyze the data collected from the experiment to draw meaningful conclusions.🔮ترجمه: دانشمندها برای رسیدن به نتیجه بامعنی، داده‌های جَمْعِشْتِه ([؟] جمع‌شده) را حَلینَنْد (؟ تحلیل خواهند کرد).
    🏺مثال. The financial analyst will analyze the market trends to make predictions about future stock performance.
    🏺مثال. The literature professor will analyze the symbolism in the novel to uncover deeper meanings within the text.
    🏺مثال. The marketing team will analyze consumer feedback to identify areas for product improvement.
    🏺مثال. The data scientist will analyze the patterns in the dataset to develop predictive models.